For some reason, I thought the show did not open until 3 p.m. and wrongfully figured I could fart around all morning. I went over to Woodman's for a little grocery shopping. I picked up some sandwich meat, bread and drinks for the show then went home and made some sandwiches.
I did not make it to Rosemont until 11 a.m. or so. I then had 15 display cases to load up, which took quite a while. Apparently, VIPs were let in around 1 p.m. So I had to really hustle to fill up the cases.
I am actually writing this up on December 5 so I have totally forgotten who I saw on Friday. I know I chatted with quite a few people. I also don't remember my sales except for a couple of biggies. I had one dealer just about clean me out of T206's. That was a nice chunk of change. Then another dealer cleaned me out of 1972 Topps high number football, another nice chunk of change. Sales to the regular show-going customers was not all that great. Thanks to those dealers, I had a really nice day, though.
On the buying front, my old pal Larry Burger sold me some Exhibits. Thanks Larry!
Friday was a looonngg day! I think the show closed up around 8:30 p.m. In shows past, I would get a nice crowd of set builders on Friday. Not this time. No crowd whatsoever. I remember chatting with Iowa's best dealer, Tim Payne, and we agreed this was the lightest Friday crowd at this show ever! Where was everybody?
So, as many have mentioned, I am way behind on the blog. Sorry!! My health declined greatly the week after the Sports Spectacular. I was largely dealing with an enlarged prostate -- which totally sucks! I am still dealing with it and struggling through. I hope to bang out a few blogs soon. Please bear with me!