While January card shows are generally well attended, there is always that fear of a bad snowstorm to throw a wrench into things. My Oak Creek show is generally held on the first Saturday of the month but that Saturday would have been New Year's day this month. As I stated previously, the Sal was closed New Year's Day and they had another event on January 8, so the first Saturday available was January 15.
I am soooo lucky we held the show on January 15 because Mother Nature roared on January 1, bringing a nasty snowstorm which would have killed the show. Even though I know the weather forecasts are rarely accurate, I kept nervously checking them in the weeks before the show. Initially snow was forecasted for January 15. On the Friday before the show, Ginger Zee was reporting a massive snowstorm that would blanket most of the country. I was concerned.
Luckily, Ginger's storm ended up far south of Milwaukee. We only had some flurries. It was a little cold out but not bad weather for a January card show in Milwaukee. Thank you Mother Nature!!
Attendance was tremendous! Probably the best attended show in the past six months. As Harry Caray would say, "Look at that crowd!"
Thankfully, my worries were quickly abated as piles of customers started coming in around 8:30 a.m. and kept coming and coming. Thank you everyone! Nothing makes me happier than to see the show packed with people, COVID notwithstanding.
I gave myself the space right by the front door. Initially, I was going to set up in the Game Room but we had to block off the back parking lot so the folks coming to the Sal for another event had space to park. I normally load in those back doors when I set up in the Game Room. I was feeling a little run down from my diabetes and did not want to cart my stuff all that far so I gave myself the prime spot by the front door.
PJ was the only dealer to complain about the lack of parking in back, so I gave him a spot by the front door as well. Everybody was happy. In fact, this is the first show I can recall, in about forever, that I did not receive any complaints from any dealers about anything! Everybody was truly happy!
This was about the most perfect day I could ask for. Of course, a handful of guys cancelled last minute because they claimed they had COVID. A few guys were no shows but I overbooked and we had the place well covered with dealers.
Being the first table in, I had folks buying cards before I could finish setting up. It was nice to see Jason, a longtime customer, who has not been around in a couple of years. Jason purchased a few T205s. Thanks Jason! Scott made the drive from Illinois and purchased a bunch of cards. Thanks Scott! A few new customers purchased cards and things were rolling right away.
Normally, I have two helpers at this show, Jason and Rachel. Jason was out with COVID and Rachel had to leave early. Thankfully, she was able to come out earlier than normal and I was able to leave her at my tables and get everything done that I needed to get done, like collecting table fee from 65 dealers, which takes several hours to complete. I was able to make my rounds and be back at my tables in time for Rachel to leave for her real job. Thank you Rachel!!
It was nice to be out and mingling in the crowd. Such a great crowd at this one! I received a mix report from dealers on their sales. Most said sales were great but a few said sales were slow. I like when dealers who report slow sales also say it doesn't matter because they were having fun. Looked like everyone was having fun.
Big day on the buying front. A new customer said he heard about the show on the radio, which was awesome. I love free radio advertising! He had a box of cards including three T206s. I bought the T cards. The goofy guy from the Buenavista show sold me some 1955 Bowman football. I bought some of Eric's doubles. I picked up a box of 1960's baseball from Bruce. Then I picked up four boxes of cards from Jeff that included vintage from all four major sports. Nice haul!
One minor rant... I have one dealer that removes his name plate at every show and switches tables. It is starting to piss off other dealers and I have to put an end to it. Dealers! You gotta set up at your assigned table. Don't switch out tables! It is not fair to the other dealers. Play nice!
Nothing else to rant about for a change. It really was a picture-perfect day. I had two Sloppy Joe sandwiches, which were awesome as usual. They made a double batch this month because they ran out last month, so I was able to take some home. Thanks Mark!
Mark is the guy in charge at the Sal and I can't thank him enough. He shows up there with me at 6 a.m. and stays well past the end of the show at 3 p.m. He is an absolute superstar and one of the nicest guys I know. I would not be able to do this without Mark and am so grateful for everything he does.
I am also grateful to all of the tremendous dealers, all 65 of them. There are another 50 on the waiting list trying to get in. Be patient guys, I'll get you in... eventually. Most of all, I want to thank everyone who attended the show. We can't do it without you guys! Much love for you!!
Next up is a double bill weekend for me with Lake Station, Indiana, on Saturday, and Root River on Sunday. I'm probably bringing out show cases for these shows. Let me know if you want to see any binders. Have a great week and see you next weekend!!
I am always too busy to chat at the Oak Creek show but will have plenty of free time in Lake Station and in Franklin next weekend. Come on out!
Below is a photo of one of my favorite dealers at the show Saturday, Jeremy Hasslebring.