I had a rough week after the Sports Spectacular. I think it was due to some new meds. I always struggle when I am placed on new meds. I am actually starting to feel better today.
So this was my first time at the show in Peru. I tried to book it once before, maybe seven or eight years ago but it was sold out. Thankfully, they had a spot for me this weekend. Setting up at card shows every weekend is not only great fun, but therapy for me. It gives me a chance to focus on something else other than my ailing health. The only show I could find for this weekend was the one in Peru. I think others felt the same way as I saw fellow Oak Creek dealers Dave K. from Wisconsin, Tom K., and Juan R., all set up in Peru. Jeff T. was there walking around buying inventory. Actually, there were quite a few dealers set up at this show, most I have never seen before. The young couple set up next to me have a card shop in Bloomington, IL. On my other side was a local grandfather with his grandson. All very nice folks.
Prior to the show, I mapped out my route from Lake County, IL, to Peru, IL. It seemed the drive would take about two hours. I woke at 5 a.m. and took longer than usual getting ready. I was on the road at 6:30 a.m. I was worried I would be late.
My route took me down I294 and all that road construction to I55, which had some heavy traffic and onto I80 and more road construction. There was only one lane open and I was stuck behind a truck going 35 m.p.h. I decided I would find an alternative way home.
Even though my drive was extremely annoying, I seemed to get to the Peru Mall much quicker than I had originally thought. Upon arrival, the mall looked abandoned. Empty box store fronts and all the doors were locked. I drove around it a few times and did not see any dealers loading in.
Eventually, Dave K. arrived, so I knew I was in the right place. We figured out that we were both early. We assumed the show began at 9 a.m. like most shows when this show does not open until 10 a.m. We had a good time commiserating until all the other dealers arrived. I don't think the doors to the mall opened until 9:30 a.m. I should have slept in!!!
I saw Tom K. inside and he directed me to promoter Dave Marvin, who was wearing a very cool Franco Harris jersey. Dave showed me my tables and I loaded in. I brought out some discount boxes, one display case and most of my baseball binders, all of my basketball binders and a few football binders. I finished reloading my 1966 Topps baseball binder on Friday night -- that thing is busting with cards!
I really had no idea what to expect at this show. I hoped there would be some set builders. I ended up with just one, a bearded fella working on 1956 Topps baseball. My '56 binder is kilt. I hope to reload it soon.
It took a good hour or so before I had a sale which was surprising because I thought the show was well attended... just no vintage set builders. Most of my sales came from the discount boxes. A lot of folks checked out my display case but no one pulled the trigger on anything. I thought I might have a nice sale when an older guy asked for a price on my entire Post Cereal binder. My price was $300. He offered $150. I declined. Though, he did purchase a large amount of cards out of the discount boxes. I think if I had a whole table of discount boxes, I would have done much better at this show. It is a discount-box kinda crowd.
With not much happening at my tables, I had time to walk the show. I thought there was a nice variety of dealers. Five or six guys had vintage. Most had modern. There was Pokémon as well. The ones that were busiest were selling comic books.
The mall itself is really, really sad. Most store fronts are empty. No food court. The lone restaurant was Chinese. I ordered some orange chicken. It was tasty.
Jim and Cindy stopped by. I always like chatting with them. Jim grew up nearby and told me that the mall was once filled with shops and customers. I grew up with shopping malls and hate to see the sad state that most are currently suffering from.
Back in the day, before shopping malls died, there used to be quite a few card shows in them. I hated those shows because you were required to set up from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. It was a long day with few sales. These days, the mall shows generally have normal show hours. I am starting to like mall shows and think that they might be the future for card shows as hotels and other venues are very difficult for show promoters to deal with. Seems like the malls really need us right now.
I did like the show at Peru Mall despite my slow sales. I was able to make a nice purchase of some Post Cereal cards. See Picture below. I would definitely do this show again, just not bring any binders.
The next Peru Mall show is slated for May 25, 2024. I can't make that one as I will be set up in Madison that day. Madison has become one of my best shows. I am setting up there next Saturday, March 30, 2024. I am leaning towards bringing out binders but after a slow day with them in Peru, I may bring out display cases. What do you guys want me to bring to Madison? I plan on loading up 1955 Topps All American football cards this week.
The Peru Mall show ended at 3 p.m. I was on the road home around 3:30 p.m. I hopped on I80 but then went north on I39, instead of continuing on to busy I55. I hopped off at Route 50 and took it to I88, then 355/53 into Buffalo Grove. It took about two hours to get home. It was a much longer drive but far more pleasant with no road construction and a lot less traffic.
Oak Creek is coming up fast on April 6. I am so far behind in responding to all of the messages. I just did not feel well last week and took a break from life all week. I hope to respond to everyone this week. Sorry!
Please come out and see me in Madison on Saturday!!