Customers seemed to flock to Larry's table. He had a crowd all day long. I had some nice sales. Jerome purchased a ton of cards. Thanks Jerome! Jim showed up early to look at my newly reloaded 1953 Topps baseball binder. He found a few cards then drove up north to his cabin. A bunch of guys dinked through my binders and found cards. I was happy with my sales.
On the buying front I bought a handful of 1962 Topps Football Bucks. I've already promised them to Andy. Speaking of Andy, we made some nice trades. I also made some nice trades with Bill. Thanks guys!
The show seemed to end earlier than usual. I had brought out a ton of stuff -- six tables worth. It took me forever to load out.
I had a little issue with the Herbalife people who had an event in another room in the hotel. One of the Herbalife guys grabbed the hotel cart I store in the room. The first thing I do in the morning is go up to the lobby and grab a cart and keep it in the room for all the dealers to load in and out. There are plenty of carts. Those hosting other events can walk up to the lobby and grab their own cart, like I did. In addition, the hotel manager is very helpful and he'll grab you a cart. So there is no reason to come into my event and take my cart. The Herbalife guy has done this in the past and I have had to go into his event and steal my cart back. So when he came into my show and started to take the cart, I told him to bring it back. He nodded and took the cart. Two hours go by and he has not brought back the cart. So I went into his event, grabbed my cart and told him he is a @#@$%^& and a $*&^%. He stood there with mouth agape. Herbalife guy and I are throwin' down if he takes my cart again! Oh, and what the hell is Herbalife? Didn't I read somewhere it is a huge scam?
If dealing with the Herbalife guy wasn't bad enough, the Zombie seagulls were back and their numbers had increased. Once again we had to listen to their eerie whine all throughout the show.
So the day job has me wicked busy and I have fallen behind again on the blog. My next Clarion show is already up this Saturday, July 9, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 5311 S. Howell, in Milwaukee. I have a tremendous vintage dealer line-up for Saturday with Mark Smith, Gary George, Pat Lawrence, Mike Johnson, Bill Nest, PJ, and I think Jerry K will be there as well. Saturday will be a vintage set builders dream. Come on out!