I took about a week off from this project. I was getting really frustrated with the poor scans and poor descriptions and seemingly endless scams. I am now ready to get back at it. First off, a recap of my previous bids:
The Kuenn, pictured above, arrived and it is really nice. Campy arrived and it is a sweet card. It might be too nice for my set. My Braves lot arrived and it is EX. I will see what I can upgrade from that group. On April 15, I won a Nellie Fox for $15. It arrived and is nice! I won the Matt Batts at $4.26. I was able to get the Ford at a best offer of $35. I lost the White Sox lot at $26.
I am disappointed in the poor packaging on the vast majority of cards I have purchased on eBay. I have been lucky that none of the cards arrived damaged which could have easily occurred due to poor packing. In addition to my earlier recommendation that eBay require all sellers to state whether a card is creased, I think eBay should require all sellers to ship cards in a toploader safely attached to a piece of cardboard and packed in a bubble envelope. Frankly, sellers who fail to properly package cards, just suck in my book.
Let's get back to working on the set, I need 16 cards:
I see a really ugly Berra at $14.50. Pass. Some nut-jobber listed an Erskine with the loop variation for $829. I'll sell you one for $20. Okay, extremely poor selection up for auction today. I'll check BINs. I see an Allie Reynolds for $15.50. Too high. Pass.
Now I see a bunch of PSA 9s at astronomical prices. Pass. I see a Slaughter for $30. It looks nice. Do I want to spend $30 for a Slaughter? Not yet. I see a Jim Robertson, card 211, for $4.04 plus $3.95. Price is too high but I am willing to do it because I am losing patience. However, seller's description says VG and it describes its VG rating as including creases. It does not say that this card in particular is creased but I can't take a chance at $8. Pass.
I see a Doby at $20. I'd really like to be at $10 but I don't think I'll find one at $10. Description says no creases. I'm going to pull the trigger on this one.
Well, that's all I have time for today.
April 23, 2020
So I have been waiting for the Ashburn and Reese I purchased on April 9 to arrive. At first, I thought it was the seller's fault until I checked tracking. The seller dropped off the package containing my cards at his local post office in Amesbury, MA, on April 10. Thirteen days later the cards have still not arrived at my house!
Tracking shows that April 11, the package arrived at the USPS regional distribution center in Brockton, MA, at 1:02 p.m. and departed the center at 7:27 p.m. Then nothing! Blank for four days. Where was the package between April 11 and April 15?
An entry on April 15 states the package is in transit to the next facility. What does that mean? Where exactly was my package on April 15 and where was it from April 11 to April 15?
On April 21 the package arrived at the regional distribution center in Chicago. Okay, where was the package from April 15 to April 21? Actually, I don't know where the package was all the way back from April 11. What is going on? Some might say delivery is slowed due to the pandemic. I might buy that if it weren't for the half a dozen or so other packages of cards I bought shortly before April 9 and long after, have all arrived, including some packages of soft sleeves I bought on the same day as the Ashburn and Reese. The sleeves arrived on April 14 -- nine days ago! Why is this one package delayed so long?
On April 22, the package departed the Chicago facility and arrived at the distribution center in Palatine, IL. Oddly, there are three different entries in the tracking log showing the package arriving in Palatine. How can the same package arrive at the Palatine facility three different times in one day?
Today, April 23, there is no new entry. Apparently my package is still in Palatine and I am concerned that it has been cut up into three different packages! Something funny is going on here. I am starting to think that I am not going to receive these cards. Obviously it is not the seller's fault but he's the one who will end up losing out when eBay or PayPal refunds my money.
I just may call the Palatine distribution center which is located just blocks from my office to see what is going on.
Anyway, back to eBay and let's see what I can find today. Though, I have lost confidence that anything I purchase from here on out will actually arrive in my mailbox. Reason 147 as to why card shows are better than eBay -- your cards never gets lost in the mail!
First off, I see a lot of 14 different cards. I only need the Feller. Lot has four bids and is at $12.83. The description is extremely vague. It states some cards are Poor while others are EX and some may have creases and other condition problems. Well, I just want the Feller and it is the one star in the lot, so you would think the seller would give a detailed description on the Feller... NOT! I can't bid.
My old friends tripleplayvintage has a Slaughter up. As usual just a scan of the front, no scan of the back. The description states the card is EXMT. I clearly see a dinged up upper right corner. Below the ding may be a crease but it is tough to tell from the scan. No further description other than EXMT. I might have bought a dozen or so cards from tripleplayvintage if they bothered to put up a scan of the back and offered a detailed description stating whether the card is creased or not. Also a card with a major visible corner munch is not EXMT! What is wrong with these people!!
Tripleplayvintage has a bunch more cards I need currently up for auction and ending today. I'm not going to even look at them. Pass. Okay, that's it for auctions ending today. I'm going to check the BINs.
I see a Pesky for just $5.99 but it is too ugly. Way off center and rounded corners. Pass. I see a beat up and creased Duke Snider for $45. Pass. I see an Al Robertson, card 211, PSA 4, for 12 bucks. I don't want graded cards. I already have the cards I previously purchased in 8-p0cket sleeves and in a binder. I want to be able to enjoy these cards and the best way, in my opinion, is to have them in a binder where I can flip through the pages at my leisure.
I see another Al Robertson. This one is for $5 plus $3.25 shipping. Add in sales tax and that is just way too high for this card. Seller claims EX/EX+, looks more like low-end VG. This is another one of those sellers that has a chart explaining their grades. They state that EX/EX+ does not have a crease. I see some blemishes that may be creases or wrinkles. Pass.
Next, I see a Snider for $70. Seller says VG/EX and no creases. I can clearly see some major scuff marks on the front. The biggest problem is that the scans of the front and back are both cut off. I can't fully see the card! Why would I purchase this card when I can't fully see it? Pass.
Ha! You too can have your own personal Russ Meyer card, pictured below, with added artwork to include a mustache, beard and necklace, for just six bucks plus $4.99 shipping! Don't forget sales tax!! What a steal!!
I almost pulled the trigger on a Duke Snider for $50 but I can clearly see a crease on the back scan, even thought the seller makes no mention of it. I have been scrolling through hundreds of commons that I don't need. Very few stars and they are way overpriced.
At this point, it is getting to be a big waste of time. I can't spend any more time today, I gotta get back to work. A disappointing day to say the least.
April 24, 2020
I am so discombobulated with this extended Stay-At-Home order that I do not even know what day it is. I was very surprised to learn that today is Friday. Where are the days and weeks going? Life during the pandemic is a blur!
Anyway, according to the tracking, my Ashburn and Reese arrived at my local post office at 5 a.m. this morning and left on a delivery truck at 7:10 a.m. and is expected to arrive in my mailbox by 8 p.m. I will have to see it to believe it. Remember, the seller shipped the cards on April 10, two weeks later, I still do not have them.
The Whitey Ford I purchased on April 16 arrived yesterday. It is pretty nice. I am very happy with that one.
I am hoping for some success today, after a big zero yesterday. Let's see what is up for auction today....
I see a creased up Berra at $37 with 13 bids. I am tempted to bid because I am losing patience but I would really like a card in better condition and hold off. I see a beat up Mays at $71. Pass. I see an Oisk at $14.99 -- too high.
I found a Hodges that has some corner and edge dings. I can't see any creases. The scans are very clear. The seller merely states that the card is in "Great Condition." It is currently at $12 with one bid. My initial thought is to throw down $30 because I am starting to get impatient. But without the magic words "No Creases," I will put down $25. I am high bidder at $12.50.
I am tempted to bid on another Hodges that is an SGC 50, one bid at $3. Oh, what the hell, I'll throw down $20. I am high bidder at $3.25. I see an auction for a Fox, Campanella and a Bob Lemon for $25 starting bid. I don't need any of the cards but for that price I'll throw down $30.
I see an Oisk that has a hole in it for $3. Pass.
Pretty nice selection at auction today. Wow, what a difference a day makes. I think I'll check the BINs as well.
I see a Mantle listed as Good for $400. I can clearly see one crease, possibly two. Pass. There is another Mantle, SGC 1 at $333. Pass. Oh my, I am now stuck in an endless stream of commons that I do not need. Ugh!
Y'all ever see Dean's Cards on eBay? I have been seeing this outfit forever. If anything, Dean's Cards is consistent -- consistently the highest priced seller on eBay. How do they ever sell anything? Right now I am looking at a Preacher Roe loop variation PSA 6 for $78.50. The base Roe PSA 6 has an SMR of $20. I can see maybe asking $30 for the variation but $78.50, come on now!
I see a Snider for $250. Pass. There is a Mantle PSA 4 for $969. SMR is $800 for a 5. Pass! Now I see a guy selling raw commons at $22 each. Ha! Gotta love BINs. This is where all the over-priced cards go to die. Oh, I spoke to soon. I see a Snider for $45.95. Card looks clean except for some corner wear. I can't tell from the scans if there are any creases. Seller is silent on creases. He states the card is VG-EX. He has best offer. I was successful with my Ford best offer of $35. I'll try the same here and ask if the card has creases. My offer was rejected. Without any statement about creases, I'm not going to up my offer.
Is there a way to filter out certain sellers? I'd love to filter out Dean's Cards and tripleplayvintage. Dean's has a beat-to-crap Reynolds for $9. Pass! Big block of cards from tripleplay… pass! I see an absolute crapper of a Hodges for $25. Pass! Oh there is a card number "2156" of Rocky Bridges, that one is news to me. I would be in trouble if there were more than 2100 cards to this set!
Way off center Slaughter at $14. Fair price but I want one better centered. Worn Mays at $133. Pass. I see a Reynolds at $17. I really don't want to drop $17 for this card but I do think about. The seller claims the card is EXMT. Not! I clearly see corner wear and a wax stain along with centering issues. Pass.
I see a Ford for $60 in worse shape than the one I bought at $35. Dean's is asking $190 for a Billy Martin PSA 6 that SMR's for $40. Oh, Dean's has a complete set up for 10K. Ha! I have now entered into Dean's Neverland with crazy priced listing after crazy priced listing. Wow!
Some other numbnut has a Mantle PSA 4 at $800 while SMR lists a 5 at $800. Someone make Dean's go away, please!! Now I see a Slaughter for $22 from another seller and consider purchasing it. However, shipping is $6.25. To make matters worse, the seller's description states, and I quote, "This is the card you will get. I am not a professional grader of cards. If you are looking for a professional graded card, they are out there and I would recommend buying the professional graded one. If you don't think you will be pleased with the card I have listed with the inserted pictures I took, then don't buy it." Wow! I will take the seller's advice and not buy the card. A simple statement as to whether the card has a crease or not would have been sufficient. No reason to be a dick! The seller makes no mention of a crease and I can't tell from his scans whether the card is creased. No way I will ever buy cards from this jerkoff.
I see a Roe for $15.95 with no back scan. Pass. Okay, I can't look anymore. All I see are Dean's endless overpriced listings. Ugh! Well, tomorrow is another day!! Thankfully!!
April 28, 2020
I took several days off again. It is too frustrating to do this every day. The lack of description is driving me crazy. Here is a recap of my purchases and bids:
The Ashburn and Reese actually arrived on April 24, 14 days after I purchased the card. The seller did an excellent packaging job. I was expecting the envelope to be trashed but everything was okay. I'm thankful to finally have the cards. My Doby showed up as well and it is nice. My set is really starting to shape up and it is fun to flip through the binder and look at all the cards.
I lost the Erskine at $34. I probably should have placed a stronger bid on the SGC 50 Erskine. I lost that one at $21.50. I lost the Fox, Campanella, Lemon lot at $36.56.
Let's see what we have for today...
I see a Berra SGC 2.5. I want one a little nicer. I see a raw Mays for $989.99. Pass. I see a raw Larsen that the seller states he believes would grade a 5 or 6. I never trust a seller's PSA-style evaluation of his raw card. Scans of front and back are clear. I see nothing that indicates a crease. Card has one bid at $12. I am gonna throw down $15. I'm high bidder at 14.79.
I see an Al Robertson. Again, no description whatsoever. Scans are blurry. No bids at 99 cents. I am losing patience and decide to take a chance at $5. I see a Larsen for 50 bucks. Pass. I see a Mantle that the seller claims is "VG-VGEX" -- what does that mean? I can't see any creases on the scans which are clear. Corners are rounded and there is a centering issue and a wax stain on the back. Card is at $281 with 22 bids. I would probably bid $400 if the seller had stated "No creases," but he is silent so I'll throw down $300. I'm high bidder at $300. I may consider bidding $350. The card ends tomorrow.
Same seller has an Allie Reynolds at $12.50 with eight bids. Seller claims card is EXMT. It actually looks EXMT from the scans. However, once again he does not mention whether the card is creased or not creased. I'll throw down $15. I'm outbid at $15.50. Pass.
Same seller has a Feller at $69.79 with seven bids. Seller claims the card is EXMT. It has a wax stain on the back and a ding on the lower edge. Otherwise it is nice. Of course, seller does not mention with the card is creased or not creased. I'm going to throw down $80. I'm high bidder at $78.
Same seller has a Roe, claims it is VG-VGEX, whatever that means. The card is at $12.51 with six bids. I'll place $15. I'm high bidder at $13.29. Different seller has a Larsen at $1.75 with two bids. Seller states card is VG. Blurry scan of the front, no back scan. Card looks Fair, not VG, lots of issues but with the blurry scan, I can't be certain whether there is a crease or not. At $1.75 I'll take a chance and throw down $5. I'm high bidder at $2.69. Same seller has a bunch of star cards I need with low starting bids. I just can't place bids on these low-grade cards. I prefer cards in a little better shape.
Wow! I finally see an authentic Ted Williams card. I've come across quite a few reprints. This one is PSA Authentic Altered. Pass. I see a 10 lot that has an Erskine. Upon closer review of the scans, the card is majorly creased. Pass. I see a Pesky PSA 6, opening bid at $10.99. I'll throw down $20.
I see a Feller BVG 4.5. With Becket, the card could very well have a crease. I don't see a crease in the scan. Card is at $7.50 with four bids. I'll throw down $20. I'm high bidder at $8.50.
Okay, that's all for today. I placed many more bids today than normal so I am happy with that aspect but I am still annoyed that seller's are not stating whether their cards are creased. I might have to return some of these cards if they show up creased.