I had issues with the cart loading in after I arrived at Roma around 8 a.m. I thought I could place two bins on the cart then place some display cases on top of the bins. Well, two bins did not fit on the cart! I had to take the top off one bin so I could squeeze it in then place display cases on top. It was a rickety set up and the display cases started to fall off the cart when I entered the door to Roma Lodge.
I was stuck in the doorway trying to take the cases off the cart and holding everything in place with my body when some guy appeared out of nowhere trying to get into the door I was blocking. He was clearly annoyed with me but there was nothing I could do because I did not want my cases to crash to the ground. I tried my best to ignore him while I pulled the cases off the cart. I figured out later that he was loading in stuff for the auction.
I rectified the situation on my next load by placing two of my small wood cases on the cart then placing the larger cases on top. This alignment seemed to work much better.
I was in my usual spot and was able to fit all 13 display cases on three eight-foot tables. Next job was to fill all those cases before folks wanted my attention. I think I finished loading the cases with cards around 10 a.m. The show started an hour earlier at 9 a.m.
Only issue was that my guy who sold me T206's at the December show, showed up early. I meant to email him and request that he arrive late but I did not get it done. I really needed some time to sell some cards before paying T206 seller. I had a few hundred bucks on me, paid the man and asked that he walk the show and return later for more cash.
I started to sell cards with just a few cases filled. T206 seller came back, I gave him more money and requested he walk the show and return again. I could tell he was not happy with me. I continued to load up my cases and continued to sell cards.
When I finally had all 13 cases loaded up, T206 seller was back but I was too busy helping five customers at once. My pal Donny jumped in and helped. It was a mob scene at my tables. I was selling cards, giving the cash to T206 seller and trying to get him to wait around until I sold enough cards to pay him the full amount.
Then he told me he had to go to work and I was just $200 short. The way things were going, I knew I would have the money soon but T206 seller had to go. I went over to the Scotty P. Savings and Loan and borrowed $200 to pay T206 seller.
Hopefully, T206 seller is not overly annoyed with me because I would like to purchase more cards from him down the road.
I was really happy at this point, making sales and peaking at my purchases whenever I got a few moments. I love T206s and I got some good ones today!
I remained busy, selling cards left and right. It was fast and furious. I have no idea what I sold and to whom I sold cards. I ran over to the Scotty P. Savings and Loan to pay off my debt.
When things slowed down, I went over to chat with Keith, one of my favorites and I always enjoy catching up. So, I was with Keith in the other room when Scotty P. knocked on the window and motioned me in. Scotty said he sent a guy selling T206s to my table. Scotty rules!
I raced over to my table and met a guy who had a briefcase full of T206 cards! Wow! What a great day! I had enough funds to purchase several more T206 cards. This turned out to be one of my best buying shows ever!
A huge thank you to Scotty P. who had an assist on both of my T206 purchases. Scotty is just the best! If you don't know Scotty, he is just a super nice guy with a heart of gold. He sells modern cards and is one of the best dealers around. His tables are always packed with customers. He is always wheeling and dealing and really knows his stuff. I am so thankful to know him and consider him a friend. Thanks Scotty!
I was giddy with joy this day over my mound of T206 cards. I felt like Bob Downing at the National with all these T206 cards.
Somehow, during the madness, I was able to wolf down a meatball bomber. Man, I was smelling those things all morning and was too busy to get one until 11 a.m. or so. Great batch today!
Also great was the attendance. Keith said it was the largest attendance at Roma Lodge to date. Man, it sure seemed like there was a lot of people.
Back to my purchases... I also purchased a few cards from my pal Jim. Another good friend Scotty Z., not to be confused with Scotty P., sold me some hockey cards from the 1970's. Then the purchase of the day was an old tin garbage can with an image of an old Blackhawks player on there. I saw the can while loading in and had to have it. I purchased it from Keith's brother, who always has all sorts of unique stuff on his tables.
Don thought the can was from the early 1960's. My friend from my hometown of Northbrook, Illinois, thought the can was from the late 1950's. It cost only a buck because it is rusted up. I'd like to figure out how to restore it. I've got a nice spot for it in the card bunker, it is a keeper and won't be for sale.
I wish I could remember what I sold. I know my friend George purchased my 1955 Bowman Yogi Berra and Whitey Ford. Bob purchased some 1971-72 Topps basketball. He had requested the binder prior to the show and pulled some cards out of there. A new customer cleaned me out of Paul Richards cards. My old friend Bill from Antioch purchased some cards. Thanks Bill!
Many, many more folks purchased cards. All I remember is receiving cash then handing it over to the first guy selling me T206s. What a fun day!
So the Roma Lodge show is scheduled every other month. I have some conflicts the next two shows when the April and June shows are slated for the same day as Orland. I'm thinking I'll set up in Orland in April, then do Roma in June. I hate to miss any of the Orland or Roma shows but I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Speaking of Orland, I am setting up there on Sunday, February 26. 2023, and will be back to binders. I hope to have the 1952 Topps baseball binder reloaded by Sunday.
Next Oak Creek show is coming up on March 4, 2023. Once again, I will have 180 tables and 120 dealers in Oak Creek. Tables are sold out! You can send me an email to be added to my waiting list to [email protected].
A huge thank you to Keith for running an awesome show as usual. A huge thank you to Scotty P! Another thank you to Don for helping me during the frenzy period. Thank you to everybody who bought cards and thank you to the two guys who sold me all those T206 cards!
Rock on! Rock over London! (Random Wesley Willis reference).
Below are some of my T206 purchases from Sunday at the Roma Lodge. I will eventually get these priced and out at a show.